
Scan_Lab's team of specialists is always at your service.

Contact us

We look forward to hearing from you. We will try to answer all your questions as soon as possible.

Where to find us
street Papiernicza 7e
Jotes Business Park
92-312 Łódź
We work
pon – pt 9:00 – 17:00
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Follow us on social media.

    Lab Scanlab
    Call us if you would like to consult on a particular prosthetic job, book a date for a job, get a customized quote or clarify any lab-related issue.

    Address for sending patient images, additional information for orders and STL files

    Milling Center – Łódź
    Call if you want to clarify any issues with your order.
    Scan Lab Sinter – Warszawa
    Call or write if you want to clarify any sinter-related issues.
    Call if you want to take advantage of additional offers, exchange your scanner for another model, or want to buy demonstration artwork for your patients to show. Our Sales Representatives will also help you use the scanner and provide additional training.

    Province: lubuskie, wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie

    Prowince: pomorskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, warmińsko-mazurskie

    Province: łódzkie, mazowieckie, lubelskie, podlaskie

    Province: dolnośląskie, opolskie

    Province: śląskie, małopolskie, podkarpackie, świętokrzyskie

    Training, Technical Support, Consulting
    Call if you need additional training or advice on how to use the scanner and software, additional information on materials, and selection of digital implant transfers. As well as consultation before the work is done.